Friday, April 23, 2010

Back on track..

First of all, game 5 and the Canucks are up 4-1 in the second, so that is a good start to this weekend! I am here in Vancouver on week 2 of the Super League and somehow I ended up with a fantastic & relaxing schedule. Yesterday we actually had a long day bussing in from the ferries. We left my house at noon, in Victoria, so that we could get to our 5:30pm meeting at UBC. Isn't that sad? I am determined to get my message out regarding how long it actually takes us "islanders" to get to and from an event in Vancouver. I could go on forever about how hard it is to get rides and pick ups and how many buses and transfers we make and how early we leave to get to Vancouver for only a 1.5 hour practice... I know, I know, I "live" in Vancouver. Anyway, I will get my message out.

The super league has been going really well. There are four teams with the national team members split amongst those teams and we get one practice and one game each weekend. It's still competitive but also a lot more fun with less pressure! Plus, playing games are the best way to go. Before yesterday's game we did our sprint and agility work out which really got my lungs burning. My team, The Navy Seals, practiced from 7:30-9pm and it didn't really rain so that was a bonus. It's just nice playing with new people with a little less pressure to perform. It's a good, competitive break.

Tonight we did a track work out for half hour. For some reason everytime we have a track work out it is always pouring rain! I can think of at least 3 other sessions this year that have been in the pouring rain on that track. Not only does it make it hard when you're trying to plant and turn really fast but it's just uncomfortable. Although I have a lot to complain about it's really all about no pain no gain. Our trainer kindly reminded us yesterday about Terry Fox who ran a marathon a day for over 140 days, on one leg... with cancer. So, I'm supposed to remind myself about that in order to motivate myself. I'm still unsure if that makes me feel worse or if I can use it to motivate me.

On a non-sporting note, I am finally moving into my own place. Well, I am sharing with an ex-roommate from my current homestay and another one of his friends. It's going to be awesome! I get my own room with a joined bathroom... my own bathroom... awesome. We have a full living room and lots of space and the bonus is that it's only 2 blocks away from where I am now! Can't wait!

Looking forward I have a lot going on. I'm heading to Toronto for the Indoor ID camp (training for the Pan Am Cup in Venezuela) and then California Cup at the end of May.... plus India will be in Vancouver in June to play us and then we have a 3-nations in August... so it is going to be a very busy summer but I am so excited! :) For once I am having a lot of fun working hard and playing hockey full time.

I've been absent awhile on the blog and I plan to only update once a week or so but here are some game photos that I've recently acquired.

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