Tuesday, August 17, 2010

CAN FUND VIDEO - Field Hockey By Ali Lee

Click the above link to see the video that I made thanking Can Fund for giving myself and 4 other women's field hockey (and 5 men's) athletes each $6000.00 !!! They also gave $6000 164 athletes around Canada preparing for the summer Olympics.

To update you on my voyage home ... I made it... without my bags but I made it. After all the hoo-ha at the Caracas airport of some people being on standby and some people not, we all made it through in time to get to Atlanta. That flight was a bit late though and I only had an hour to get to my next flight. The passport control in Atlanta was brutal. They sent me to such a slow line because I waited for so long and finally told the officer, "hey, it's 2:00pm and my flight is beginning to board now is there any way I can move up in the line?"

He bumped me up by about 10 people right to the front of the line so I could then SPRINT to go get my bags. Normally, you wouldn't need to get your bags but because I had ANOTHER flight within the USA I had to clear customs with them. So, I ran through there dropped off my bags and they made me put my stick bag in "special" even though i swore they could chuck it around anywhere. After that I ran through security and begged them to let me cut the line and then I told a lady I was late for my flight and about 10 people let me budge to the front. PHEW! I literally SPRINTED across the Atlanta airport for like 15 minutes (where was that energy during the beep test) because the guy told me not to take the train. Stupid. It would have saved me time.

Anyway I literally scanned by boarding pass, didn't show my bus pass and ran down the walkway thing to get on the plane. I walked about 5 aisles down the plane and they shut the door behind me. Phew! I made it. From then on it was smooth sailing. My flights were:

Barquisimeto-->Caracas (Aug 15)
Caracas-->Atlanta (Aug 16)
Atlanta --> Minneapolis (Aug 16)
Minneapolis --> Vancouver (Aug 16)
Vancouver --> Victoria (Aug 16)

They lost my bags in all that running but ended up delivering it the next morning so that was fine my be! I was happy to make it home! :D

1 comment:

  1. loved the video!! good job! Commonwealth Games, here we come!
