Commonwealth Games
We had a 6th place finish in a tournament in which we came into ranked 6th. Not only did we not climb the rankings but we lost our final game which is always a sour note to finish on at any tournament. Regardless of our placing when you look back it's very disappointing because we only won one game - against Wales. Even in that game we won in the ast 3 minutes so our only win wasn't even convincing. Regardless of the scores and the results I think that we made huge strides in our game play. We are a team that not many has seen in awhile and our performance at the CWGs may encourage other teams to want to play us!
The highlights for me definitely include:
1. The Athlete's Village
The Village was our home for more than 3 weeks and as much as the food got a bit repetitive I have to admit that it was pretty great! We had everything we needed and the staff were friendly. The accommodations were suitable for what we needed and we even got to take our comforters home!
2. The Pakistan-India Game
3. Meeting Alexander Despatie
Zee and I attended Alex Despatie's in-house gold medal ceremony in the athlete's lounge. I really just wanted to meet him and get a photo with him because I have seem him on TV competing since he was 13! Truly remarkable and an inspiration to all athletes.
4. Our VIP trip to the Taj Mahal
Our first-class trip to the Taj Mahal in Agra was one of a kind. I am so grateful for the trip they set up for us. It was an incredible day and will always be engraved in my head the beauty of one of the 7 wonders of the world.
5. Being a tourist in Delhi
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