I just watched an incredible episode of Oprah where she had a food specialist (Michael Polland) and veganist (Kathy Freston) come on her show. Three hundred and seventy eight of her crew at Harpo studios committed to a ONE WEEK vegan challenge. A Vegan challenge is pretty much where you avoid animal products and animal by-products (mainly milk, eggs, all meat, cheese, dairy, etc.). Interestingly enough, she had a reporter go to one of the largest meat/slaughter-houses in the world (in Colorado) and they walked the viewers through the whole process except the actual slaughtering of the cows. I saw the footage and it was quite graphic. It didn't turn me off meat but it definitely makes you really think about where the food you eat comes from.
The point is, that many of the crew members felt really crappy for 3 days but soon after, started losing weight dramatically and having better bowel movements because of the increase in fiber and water intake. As well, they were feeling better about themseves and it was less about the weight but more about the health benefits - less acid reflux, less laxative pills needed, less heart burn, etc.... A lot of overweight workers between 40-60 were involved in this and because they were eating so poorly they were able to benefit from this so quickly. In one week, this one middle-aged man lost just over 11lbs... How remarkable!
Anyway, watching this episode made me become more conscious about the foods we have in our house. It is always difficult to maintain a healthy diet when fast foods and coffee shop show cases are always there and so easy to get. I think having a vegan diet is definitely something that requires you to prepare a lot of your own meals but I think this might be a good idea for everyone to at least research it so when given the opportunity to make a choice, you can do so properly.
I just ordered some books online from the people that were on the show because I want to educate myself and if you have time you should try and do the same. Here are the books that I ordered:
I know it seems like we think we, especially as athletes, know a lot about diets (drink more water, eat more veggies, etc.) but I think that the more we educate ourselves, the more disciplined we can actually be about it all. I know it's hard to steer clear of iinstantnoodles, microwaveable dinners and processed things like mayonnaise, ketchup and sauces but I think that if I better educate myself about it... I can at least be AWARE of it and maybe take it in less quantities or find substitutes. Something as simple as BUTTER can have a substitute for it.... It's the little things in life that we change that will make all the difference... and now is certainly the time in life to take care of our bodies.
I would challenge you to eat healthy and follow some of the tips in these books because I think I am going to start doing the same.
If you have experience with being vegan or have some healthy tips/recipes for me... Please send them to me: alilee05@gmail.com
I am very interested.
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