Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Year and one Year older

I turned 23 today. Sometimes I wonder what the big deal with birthdays is and then I remember... cake! We celebrated my birthday in Victoria and at my homestay in Vancouver which means twice the cake and double the parties! Turning 23 is not even a good milestone it just reminds you how much further away you are getting from your youth. None the less, I'm off to bigger and better things for 2010, starting with this journal entry.

I am leading dual lives on the island and the mainland. I've postponed my medical/pharmacy career path to pursue my field hockey career a little bit further. I don't want to have any regrets so 100% to hockey, for now. So, I'm three classes shy of being able to say a.) that I survived University...six years later and b.) that I have a Bachelors of Science in, oh god, Biochemistry. Since that's being put off, I guess that I can say I am currently just a National team athlete and for once, I am THRILLED to ONLY be that. It's nice to not be battling two lives and it is great to be focusing on one thing.

My field hockey plans involve taking off to South America for an intense tour of international matches, training ... running... and probably more running. I'm excited to be in a hot country and excited (and terrified) to be pushed physically and mentally to new levels. It's what I need. It's what I truly want and I'm happy to get the opportunity represent Canada again.

With this career choice in pursuit, I sadly have to leave my almost well-adjusted island life completely behind. That includes the newest member of my family and life... Leo! The cutest, most adorable and annoying black lab puppy (1 year old) that you will ever meet. He is so well adjusted to our home and he is so well behaved, most of the time. I spent so much time teaching him tricks (playing dead, rolling over, jumping, spinning, bowing, leaving a ring of treats around him alone...etc etc...) and now I have to leave him behind at home. I'm scared to see what he's like when I get home but I'm glad we don't have to get rid of him while I'm training in Vancouver. One day he'll be with me here!

Lastly... 24 days until the 2010 Olympics start. Naturally, I'm not thrilled that our country and province is coughing up a TONNE of cash that we don't have or need to be spending but... my selfish side is saying... THANK YOU 2010! I'm working with the media, more specifically SNTV under the Associated Press and I'm going to be a "technician." I'm not sure what that really involves but I've been told I'll get the whole works of journalism under my belt. I'm pretty excited to get this experience, see some events and be consumed in the largest sporting event in the world! Of course, our goals are aimed towards 2012 summer olympics in London... but being in Canada... come on Winter Olympics!!!

I leave now with this small update and hope to return with much more interesting story and photos!!

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