Monday, March 22, 2010

Training Facility

Day two.

Talk about top of the line. This training facility has some additional features that make me wonder really how far behind we are. First of all, I must admit their canons are pretty awesome. The field is totally, maybe sometimes too, drenched from line to line. The "tech table" and benches have some top quality covers that roll down to prevent the water from spraying everything. The thick tarp-like things that roll down are even weighted at the bottom with a long bar so they don't flap around in the wind. That is something so subtle yet so useful and practical. Anyway, they also have this tall pole at the far ends of each field which actually hoist a video camera to the top. It kind of replaced the video tower, although there is one, and the person at the bottom of the pole stairs at a 10" screen that shows the whole field in its view. With motor bike type handlebars you can maneuver the camera at the top of the pole to zoom in or move around to follow the play. It's not a high tech camera or anything so this feature isn't for broadcast purposes but it certainly offers a good view for match analysis and its a lot easier.

We had a good practice today, trying to adjust some more to the odd bounce and skip that comes from this turf. It is getting better, although I was having some issues with getting my pullouts on PCs on target. :( Not helpful. Following our practice we got a chance to watch Belgium play France in an exhibition game. France looks a lot weaker than Belgium but there was still no score. It's hard to judge what's going on in an exhibition game because teams always have an agenda knowing that others are watching. We will be playing Korea tomorrow as an exhibition - what a start!

Can't wait though. Once the games get rolling I think our team is really going to start to shine :) That's all for now...

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