Saturday, May 29, 2010

California Cup

It's a smoking 27 degrees or something down here in California and it has been quite the weekend so far. Between the hockey and the fun so much has gone down. Our team, also known as the Dirty Birdies, has tied one game 2-2 and won a game 2-0 so far and we have one more team in our pool to play before hopefully moving on to the semi-finals. If we win the tournament it's a whopping $5000 compared to a mere $1800 for second place so the prize is on the line!!

Thursday night we headed out to "The Canyon Club" in Westlake which was a $60 cab ride so we thought it better be worth it. I felt like we were in a barn or something but there was a big stage with live music and when they had the DJ on some guy in some tight white outfit came to do some crazy gymnastics stuff in this ring that was suspended in the air. It was a little out there. We were there till odd hours of the morning but we had a really good time. This all made Game 1 a little bit hard to handle the next day but we scraped by with our tie.

Last night we went to a sports bar and Grill called "The Arena" which is only about 3 minutes away. I drove so that I could have a sober night but ended up taxi driving people to and from the hotel to the bar. It was a good time with the variety in activities and ages of people there.....

Other than that not much to report other than lots of eating, relaxing, sun soaking and hockey going on down here.

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