Yesterday, Friday, was our rest day. Amanda and I went for a bike work out and I mostly saw a doc and went to physio. They actually recommended me NOT to play but that wasn't going to happen. It was just a niggly injury that I was using as an excuse to get some treatment and massage. Oh well. We were at the AC (athletic center) around 10:15am and after my physio Amanda, KJ and I played basketball against and with some Asians. I was terrible (flash back to grade 11) but it was pretty fun. After, we went to our new fav restaurant called Fresh for some good vegan food. Sam Lyzun, also from BC, joined us and after lunch we went back to her place for some good quality tea. We loved the tea so much we planned to walk down to Queen street to get some, after watching some video footage of our game. We ended up catching a ride down to Queen street and we walked west to find this store that I wanted to check out called (please don't judge) The Magic Pony and they sell a lot of Kid Robot toys. It's like a specialty toy and gift store ... see for yourself:

After that, we headed to David's Tea which is east of Spadina, still on Queen street. Thanks to Sam, I am now supporting this tea store over all others - including Teavana and Silk Road. I'm sooo excited because they have one in Vancouver on 4th ave!! I recommend!!! For my first purchases here is what I got:
Irish Cream (black tea)
Hojicha Creme (green tea)
Creme Caramel (rooibos tea)
I also got two tea strainers that I absolutely love because they fit on every size cup. Also, it comes with a little dish to rest it on so you can make another cup later if you want. Here's the link and here's the photo:

I had the best day just walking around through Kensington Market with the girls and becoming a lot more aware of supporting markets, local produce and checking out more organic and healthy foods!! There was a fantastic market/store that had some amazing stuff from stationary to toys to kitchen stuff and teas! The store was called the BLUE BANANA MARKETand it was located in Kensington Market. I really enjoyed it :)
Yesterday was just amazing. We were supposed to go to the Jay's game but I really, really enjoyed my experience on Queen street... Not to mention the weather was amazing. My whole week walking around the city has been great and I really could move here despite the snow and cold winter. It has been a great experience so far :)
Okay, on to today's events. It was a long day as we were out of the house by 9am and weren't back until 7:30pm or so. We had a game this morning, obviously against the Auzzies and we narrowed the scoreline to 3-0. Two of those 3 goals apparently were savable for the goalie. So, we did our job in holding them to a lower score line and limited their PCs and our 9m. We have a lot to work on but it was a great game and I even got another red FHC bag for Player of the Game. We came back home and had a quick lunch before our meeting again for game 2. I didn't play in Game 2 because the coaches wanted to rest some of the Senior players for a game so we could play Sunday, both games. Game 2 we lost 6-0 but the girls really did play quite well. It's hard without some experience in the back so I think it was a really good learning experience for all of them! The young ones played so well, too!!! My roomie, or the girl hosting us, Katy Jo.. got player of the game!!!!
After that we had a dinner with the Auzzies at UofT and had some good quality mingle time and then we came home and rested for a bit before going to get frozen yogurt which turned into a HUGE waffle with fruit, chocolate and gelato - NUTELLA and Raspberry gelato. It was WELL worth our time, walk and moola. Check it out:

Okay, and lastly, while I've been away my parents have been working hard to clean up the backyard so we could get a fence built. It's so awesome and they have it all up already. My dad sent me some photos of Leo enjoying the new backyard freedom.

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