Friday, May 7, 2010

making it in the big Tdot

I made my way to Toronto yesterday. The flight was 4.5 hours and I wouldn't have known it thanks to 1 gravol and an episode of glee. Air Canada was as useless as usual not providing us with any food. Thankfully, I was prepared and made my own lunch. The guy beside mew as super jealous. Having slept the whole way to Toronto I was picked up by one of the U of T girls whose place I am staying at. She drove me into town and I am at her apartment for the week. It's a top floor old apartment in a really fantastic area - 5 minutes from U of T and 10-15 minutes from Toronto shopping central! I've already walked the walk three times to all the shopping areas.

Yesterday I had the whole afternoon to kill before Amanda was showing up so, I went to the grocery store and got some food. I then headed to the stores to check things out but didn't find much so I headed back. After a nap, watching Weeds and waiting for Amanda to check in, I met up with a friend from University, Mike. He is here on a great co-op job so, we went for dinner and then grabbed some coffee. Good times! I don't know anyone else here so, it was nice to see a face from the west coast.

Everything went well staying here overnight and then this morning we had a bit of a sleep in before we walked all the way to the Eaton center mall which is I think at Dundas and Yonge street. I"m definitely learning my way around but it was a 3.5km walk or so (yes, I gmap pedometer-ed it). Also, on the way back it started to rain. I picked up some adidas sweat bands and compression socks which look like they are really comfortable.

We are going to rest up before Day 1 of the National indoor camp starts. It's going to be a good weekend ... minus the start because we have to run a beep test. On that note, we are going to run it one more time on June 1st for the outdoor team. The squad for the India series will be named and we will have 5 games :)

Updates to come..

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