Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Facing the fact

Game one of the Canada-India series took place last night and it was quite the match. I am overwhelmed by the amount of people that showed up to watch, regardless of who they were actually cheering for. Either way, it was great to see that many people out to watch Field Hockey. I didn't actually notice just how many people were actually watching until I came off in the last 7 minutes of the game and looked across the field.

The game highlighted some of the tactics we have been working on in the last few weeks and it also shows a lot of our weaknesses. I am fully accountable for two of the goals that happened. Maybe not entirely directly but I know it should have been better. Mistakes behind us I think that the team played really well considering the odds against us. It only fuels us to work harder and face the fact that, hey, we can compete against World Class teams. It's a great incentive to keep working at it!!

I know there is as lot to work on but I am looking forward to it so that our team can really succeed! :) Here are a few more action shots that were taken at the game last night:

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