Thursday, June 24, 2010

Island Fever

Week one of being home on the island has already passed. It's amazing how four days in Vancouver seems to take forever but a week at home flies by! I love being back at home with my puppy, Leo. Walking him daily up at Mystic Vale has become quite the delight. You run into so many people that you only know because your dogs get along. We've bonded with quite a few furry friends and their owners. It's always such a routine when you see the same people, walk the same direction, the same number of laps, etc. etc.

Another thing about the island and more importantly, Victoria, is that the scenery from Beach Drive and Dallas Road is to die for. One night at 7:30pm I decided to go for a long bike ride and had to slow down to take in the view along the water. Cycling beach drive and Dallas road is the best ride ever, except for King George Terrace. It was a fantastic 1.5 hour leisure bike ride and I'd do it every day if I could.

The best part about being home is that field hockey is still going on. After my proposal of having two BC teams (one island and one mainland) got accepted... it's been rosy ever since. We have two practices today so the mainland kids that are on our team can come over and get two sessions in. So, Senior Nationals will be in Victoria June 30-July 4!!! :)

Up next on the Calendar:
Senior Nationals June 30-July 4
Back to Trianing in July in Vancouver
Toronto for indoor July 16-24
Training for Chile Series July 26-July 31st
Chile Series Aug 1-8
Venezuela for Indoor WCQ Aug 6-15
Travelling a bit Aug 15-20
Home Aug 20-September
Commonwealth Games mid sept-Oct

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