Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Holy Heat Wave!

It is smoking hot and with the last few days of my week off here in Victoria, I am LOVING it! When training starts I don't know how I will feel about it but for now, this sun is fantastic! Bad news is that I think I have strained or sprained (what is the difference?) my shoulder or a whole wack of muscles in the "rotator cuff." All these words and terminologies are being thrown at me but this "week off" has turned into several physio, chiro, acupuncture and massage therapy appointments. Normally, this would be a totally awesome thing for me for my week off but when it's regarding an injury it tends to be very painful and quite exhausting. The road to recovery is never a fun one and with Indoor practices in toronto coming up in just over a week, I am beginning to worry. I get the final word tonight or tomorrow regarding my time off and final assessment. I am thinking this week and next week off, no contact in practice for another week, lots of physio and I'll be good to go for the Chile Series.

So, the week after winning a second gold at home on the UVic turf and it's not feeling much different than the week before. I guess, it's getting old. Just kidding. I am pretty stoked about our media coverage. I'm always happy to get A-Channel, ISN, Chek and the Saanich/Victoria news on board because that means in the future they will keep covering more field hockey!! That is always good for me, our sport and our growing community.

I am in the middle of developing a "sponsorship package" which will be sent out to several companies in Alberta, BC and Ontario.... ie: I NEED MONEY !!! It's going really well, working hard and with two-time Olympic rower, Anna Marie De Zwager. The more athletes that I meet at this level the more inspired I get and more motivated I am to keep at it. I realize this is no "silly sport" and we may have no support, no funding and be 19th in the world... but everyone starts somewhere and this is where we begin our climb to the top. We can't give up or we'll never move forward.

So, onward we go.

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