Monday, July 5, 2010

Senior National Champions

The last time that I had a major tournament in Victoria I was also crowned a National Champion and in a much more dramatic setting. This year, I sent in a proposal way before Christmas to submit TWO senior BC teams into this National championship. I am so happy that motion got carried and the BC Island team was the first of its a kind to compete at the Senior Nationals!! Not only did we compete but we fought to win 3-2 over Ontario in the final game. Granted, we blew a 3-0 lead but either way we won and that's all that really matters.

It is always fantastic having a bit of home field advantage as well as, a team that showcases some of the best island talent. We had some great press coverage of the event which is amazing considering there were so many other local sporting events going on this weekend!

I'm in the midst of organizing an article to be posted in a magazine about paying to play! so look forward to that.!!

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