Monday, December 20, 2010

Checking in Before New Years

I was looking back through some old blog entries and I came across this old entry titled "Write the Future". First of all, I am already aware that I am not the best writer when it comes to blog entries. I find I am such a square when it comes to style of thought which probably explains why I am so methodical and only able to apply myself at technological things and sciences or math. Regardless, I am always working on trying "think outside the box" and be a bit more creative with my writing. I am still working on that. 

Back to the old blog entry... The entry was based on the Nike Commercial with the same title that was rallying up for the FIFA World Cup! There are some very famous soccer players in it and of course, it finishes with none other than the infamous Ronaldo. I scrolled down and saw a list of things that I wanted to accomplish and here they are in no particular order:

1. prepping for MCAT courses and the big test for the summer
(this is my goal for the summer of 2011)
2. getting more kms on my bike

(definitely got a ton of riding in since May and have my new (old) wind trainer to clock some kms post-surgery)
3. initiating some more fundraising campaigns

(I had the second breakthrough camp to raise money for CWGs and the Indoor World Cup Qualifier tournament which was a success and I helped promote fundraising for CanFund)
4. following the "sweat once a day" program

(I've been sweating once a day with really great committment to Hot Yoga at Moksha Yoga Victoria, YYoga and Bikram Yoga Saanich)
5. learning more about my camera and taking more photos

(Bought a new camera for CWGs and was photo shooting up a storm and not to mention purchased Adobe CS5 and have been using illustrator, photoshop, inDesign and working on my video editing too!)
6. making a "Canada's Top Chef" video for my cousin

(yeah... no progress on this... a 3 week deadline was cutting it close) 
7. burning through an 11.0 to 12.0

(damn. I was hoping this wouldn't be here. Ugh. Okay, this is priority #1 post-healing.... by the end of 2011 I want to run a 12.0 on that dumb, stupid....i mean.... on the beep test.)
8. Getting on top of my music tastes (just introduced to The Hype Machine)
(Not going to say on top of ... I do like the Glee sound tracks.. and I have been listening more to Hype Machine.. so... still a work in progress)
9. enrolling back at UVic to GRADUATE from the deep Biochemistry hole I am in

(Finally digging myself out. I am completing my English correspondance course this spring and also enrolling Jan-April to FINALLY GRADUATE from UVic.. with a B.Sc in Biochem. Not useful, but at least I"ll graduate! YAY!)

I didn't even remember that I had made this list but looking back.... I feel pretty good that these are still either in progress or have been attempted at! Can't wait to see what the New year brings.

I'll be entering the OR for the big operation in the first week of January and experiencing my very first time being immobile in some way. I've never broken a bone or pulled/sprained/twisted/torn anything bad enough to really hold me back in life (knock on wood) but this one... this is going to be a toughy. Trying to stay positive here but it's going to be a rough 4-6 months road to recovery. I need this big time but that doesn't mean it's going to be any easier. For now, focus on the holidays and what I can do with two working shoulders with all the people I love and care about being in town right now.. Oh, minus my father. I'll send him an e-card :D I'd probably still do that even if he was here :)

Just saw Love and Other Drugs with Sean tonight and I am not sure exactly how I feel about it. It was a little awkward seeing all the full frontal nudity, especially Anne Hathaway (Princess Diaries!?!?!?) but Jake Gyllenhall too? Interesting Combo. It still ended well and clearly had to bring a few tears down my cheek. Definitely a movie-rental-date type movie. It's got some really funny scenes in it, too! Not as corny as your typical chick flicks but still worth watching.

Alright, that's all for now. I have an echocardiogram tomorrow to check out a heart murmur and then it's back to the best volunteer job ever: Gift Wrapping at the Bay Center where all proceeds go to the Mustard Seed.  Hopefully you can come down and check it out!

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