It has been quite a while since I have updated mostly because a lack of Internet and the limitations of my typing on my iPad so have some humor in the auto-correct if this post. I spent about 3 days in Linz, Austria with Dan and we met up with some of his fa,ily members and two of his friends who he was here visiting because they just got married. I had a fantastic time getting to know his hometown visiting the famous sites from a local! We went up an old uphill tram to Postlinerg to see a great church and take a little kids train ride through "the hill" because it was something they all used to do and It was fun. We also ate cake and had coffee (yah I actually was drinking coffee - they don't really do tea here) at Cafe Traxylmyr and Jindrak's. We even raided Jindrak's the day before leaving to take some goodies with us on the train to Italy. I had a really great experience at Hauhenrausch which was an exhibition center that changes all the time. Tis time they featured a boardwalk like experience above a huge building and the view was amazing!!
After Linz we caught a night train to Venice where I didn't get much sleep because some English speaking people boarded late and were pretty loud. Our bunnk bed style cabin was so tiny but it was nice lie down for the 10th train ride. We arrived in Venice and took a bit f time to get oriented . We biased to our hotel which isoutside Venice in the district of Mestre, no problems there. We left our bags at e hotel and took a bus into Venice and it took my breathe away immediately. The best part was that we had no restrictions. We followed the streets that seemed like a huge labryinth and eventually found the astonishing Rialto bridge and than San Marco square. THAT was incredible, especially how packed it was with people. We abused our 24hr transportation ticket tking the "valporetto" or water taxi all over. We hit up the islands of Murano, famous for glass blowing, and the long island of Lido where I had a taste if my first Venetian beach. the water was warm :)
We had coffee on the island of Lido and then headed back to S. Marco square to find this staircase legended to have been designed by Da Vinci himself. It was worth it after we found it, so gorgeous!! It was like the center of a maze.
Anyway we crashed early around 630pm and I woke up around 11pm starved for food and some tea so I came down to the lobby for some free WiFi and to update the world. I can't see the Canucks highlights but I am cheering for them!!!
Naples tomorrow for five nights!!! Ciao!!
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