Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lions, tigers and bears... OH MY!

Started the morning off with a 7:45am bike ride and stretch because the team is going to do a run but I was opting out to help my foot/knee issues. After a breakfast and a France-game debrief we were on our way to the beach, where the girls were doing their run. It was a cool but warm morning and Zee and I chucked a mini-football around until the rest of the team came back. Following that we headed to Old Town and had a great meal at a Latin American (turned out to be Chilean) restaurant called Berta's.

Finally, the moment we have all been waiting for! Today was one of our "Free Time" rest days where we got some free time, with responsibilities of course. I bunked in with the Jameson's as we headed out to.... THE SAN DIEGO ZOO!! We saw so many things that it was really overwhelming. We started with a bus tour that was about 45 minutes long and took us through the whole park. We saw everything from elephants to tigers, lions, panthers, monkeys, rhinos.... It was so amazing! I'm going to post photos on Facebook because there are just way to many but I'll choose a few for ya.

There were definitely a few highlights for me. First of all, the koala bear who is never awake was actually awake, or one of them was. Usually they are sleeping and don't move or something but he was awake and as you can see quite active! Also, the tiger was awake and he is usually sleeping. But definitely highlights include the elephants, giraffes and the big black bear even though I've seen many before in BC. All very entertaining.

Sign on to Facebook to see my new albums of photos from the WCQ and the rest of the zoo photos.

Heres some video of a cute little otter and the awesome elephant:

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